Is topping up 2011 SPP contributions on your “to do” list?

February 16, 2012


If you are like most of us, maximizing contributions to the Saskatchewan Pension Plan and other retirement savings plans is at the top of your “to do” list every February.

Because 2012 is a leap year, you have until Wednesday February 29th to increase your 2011 SPP contributions to the annual maximum of $2,500.  SPP must receive your contribution on or before the deadline.

If you want to make sure you get your money to us in time, consider contributing:

  • In person or by telebanking at your financial institution.
  • By phone using your credit card; or
  • Online from the SPP website.

And don’t forget that throughout the year you can also make monthly contributions by pre-authorized chequing from your bank account or contribute by mail.

If you make regular monthly contributions, you’ll hardly notice it, and at this time next year you will already have “contribute to SPP” crossed off your “To Do” list

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