Mar 4: Best from the blogosphere

March 4, 2013

By Sheryl Smolkin


Now that RRSP season is over for another year, personal finance bloggers are again exploring basic money saving tips that can help to free up cash so you can stretch your paycheque to include saving for longer term goals like retirement.

On $he Thinks I’m Cheap blogger Andrew says you can save thousands if you do your research before purchasing almost anything and always try to negotiate a better price.

Jim Yih reports on BalanceJunkie that he has been collecting Air Miles for many years and he got a pretty good bang for his bucks when he cashed them in for a family trip from B.C. to Ottawa for his family of 6.

Boomer and Echo blogger Robb Engen offers 25 tips for filing your own tax return.

Tim Stubbs considers why it is important to have interim goals on the road to financial independence on Canadian Dream Free at 45.

If hitting the reset button to turn failure into success  worked for Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey, Birghter Life blogger Gerald McGroarty says it could work for you.

And after her MacBook Pro went blip, Squawkfox (Kerry K. Taylor) offers helpful hints for caring for your computer to keep it healthy and happy as long as possible.

Do you follow blogs with terrific ideas for saving money that haven’t been mentioned in our weekly “Best from the blogosphere?”  Send us an email with the information to so*********@sa*********.com and your name will be entered in a quarterly draw for a gift card.

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