Sept 12: Best from the Blogosphere

September 12, 2016

By Sheryl Smolkin

Blogging is essentially self-publishing. Because it is so easy to get started, it’s not surprising that there are new blogs popping up on every subject daily. I must admit it’s easier to keep going back to the ones I know and like instead of constantly monitoring some of the newer (or new to me) guys on the block.

But one blog that I must confess I’m becoming addicted to is Millenial Revolution by Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung. The two 30 year olds write about how they got rich and retired to travel the world by not joining what they call “the home ownership cult.” Start with their How we got there series. See my comments on their strategy from the perspective of a semi-retired boomer in Rent vs Buy: A reality check.

But I’m also working my way through a list of the 2016 Top 25 Retirement Bloggers on Personal Income. Many of the blogs on the list are directed at U.S. readers, but much of the commentary on retirement is generic. Here are a few I sampled this week:

In A Wealth of Common Sense Ben Carlson writes about What it takes to retire early. He cites stories from other bloggers who:

  • Retired early by using rental income and moving abroad.
  • Saved $1 million by choosing to live in a place with a low cost of living to retire in their early 40s.
  • Retired in their 30s (Shen and Leung noted above) by avoiding home ownership in an expensive real estate market.

He concludes that to retire really early you have to save lots of money and have very little need for a large annual income in retirement.

Retire by 40 author Joe Udo analyzes the rule of thumb from the early retirement community that suggests you need to accumulate 25x your annual expenses. This benchmark is derived from the 4% withdrawal rate. So if you have 25x your annual expenses, the premise is that you would be able to support your lifestyle by withdrawing 4% from your investment every year. But Udo retired at 38 and four years later he says lifestyle inflation can easily erode retirement savings. So he suggests that extreme early retirees may need a cushion of 30x annual expenses or even more to cover a possible 50 years of retirement.

Mark Miller blogs on retirementrevised. When not to save for retirement may appear to challenge conventional retirement savings orthodoxy, but in fact it makes perfect sense. He says for many people, saving for retirement actually should be fairly low on the financial priority list – well behind the more immediate goals of building a rainy day fund and reducing their consumer debt.

Our next life by Mr. & Ms. ONL asks What Are Your Early Retirement Deal-Breakers? They are not willing to move to a low cost-of-living area they don’t like just to get by or give up a home base entirely and embrace a fully nomadic life. Nevertheless they say, “Life is short, our time here is precious, and even if we have only a short time to climb mountains around the world like we hope to, it will be more time than we would have had if we’d stayed on the usual career treadmill.”

Do you follow blogs with terrific ideas for saving money that haven’t been mentioned in our weekly “Best from the blogosphere?” Share the information on and your name will be entered in a quarterly draw for a gift card.

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