Book reveals path to “the vacation of a lifetime”

September 27, 2018

Retirement, the financial part at least, is a two-phase process. First, there’s savings – personal, workplace pension, government pensions, and so on. Second, there’s the art of turning those savings into an income stream that will pay for your retired life, which could continue for three decades.

A nice overview to this process, albeit from a U.S. point of view, can be found in The Retirement Survival Guide, written by Julie Jason and published by Sterling. Jason, a money manager, takes complex concepts and presents them in a clear, logical way, using charts, examples, and memorable textual sound bites.”

“Creating retirement income is all about making sure you can be financially secure for as long as you live,” she writes. Whether you want to sustain or expand your lifestyle in retirement, Jason notes, you need to take into account all your income sources and savings to make sure you have enough “to cover the gap,” and so that you “won’t outlive your nest egg.”

A good first step, she notes, is to know where you stand. “What you need to know first is how much you spend on `musts’ and how much you spend on `wants,’” Jason explains. A must refers to basics – rent or mortgage, utilities, food, taxes, the “essential expenses.” Everything else is a want. Essential expenses must be paid in full and on time, she advises.

Another important consideration is whether your money “will last as long as you do,” she writes. If you are trying to live off savings, how much should you take out each year without running out? Jason says most financial institutions feel a withdrawal rate of four to five per cent of “your initial assets, adjusted each year for inflation,” is a safe amount. Experts disagree, so Jason offers a nice worksheet to help you come up with a withdrawal rate tailored to your specific situation.

Now is always a good time to start saving, she writes, adding that “time is money.”

“Would you rather have a penny that doubles daily for 30 days, or $1 million? Believe it or not, you’re better off taking the doubling penny… a penny earning 100 per cent daily interest would grow to $10.7 million in 30 days,” Jason explains.

While 100 per cent interest isn’t a realistic possibility, the example shows the power of compound interest over time, she explains. She provides a table showing that if a 30-year-old saved $100 a month, or $42,000 over 35 years, he or she would have $215,600 by age 65, $465,500 by age 75 and $2.1 million by age 95. So, she says, “you’ve never too young, or too old, to start saving.”

A later chapter deals with the problem of the vanishing workplace pension plan. She suggests the use of annuities to ensure you have monthly income for life, and never outlive your savings.

The “Finish Line” chapter gives a nice overview of post-retirement portfolio design for do-it-yourself savers, and finishes with this compelling thought. “Take small steps,” Jason writes. “Don’t rush. After all, you’re getting ready for the vacation of a lifetime.” This is an interesting, well-written and helpful book that would make a fine addition to your retirement planning shelf.

The Saskatchewan Pension Plan  offers many of the levers mentioned in the book. The professionally managed fund has an enviable rate of return since its inception, and you can convert your savings into an annuity payout that ensures you’ll get a monthly pension for life. Perhaps it too deserves consideration when you are planning for retirement.

Written by Martin Biefer
Martin Biefer is Senior Pension Writer at Avery & Kerr Communications in Nepean, Ontario. After a 35-year career as a reporter, editor and pension communicator, Martin is enjoying life as a freelance writer. He’s a mediocre golfer, hopeful darts player and beginner line dancer who enjoys classic rock and sports, especially football. He and his wife Laura live with their Sheltie, Duncan, and their cat, Toobins. You can follow him on Twitter – his handle is @AveryKerr22
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